We will generate high-quality leads for you and your business.

Spark Digital Media was created with one goal in mind: To service realtors and help them scale up to become top-level professionals in their field.


Within the real estate business, we don't simply go after cheap leads; we target high-quality, qualified leads with the goal of helping you convert appointments into home purchases, sales, and conversions for whatever services you have to offer.


We specialize in two constantly changing environments - real estate and digital marketing. Our field of service includes constant, open, and honest communication with our clients. This allows us to overcome client roadblocks and scale up our successes quickly and efficiently.

Win back your time

Imagine a world where you don't have to spend hours and energy on marketing, social media, and outreach - instead giving you time to do what you do best as a realtor and increase customer satisfaction, long-term retention, and referrals.

the spark your business needs.

We are a service-based business - unlike most agencies that trade in quality work for clients and profit. We will work for you for the first month at no charge from us so you can feel comfortable and know you're in the right hands.

Take Your Real Estate Business To The Next Level

Find a tailor-made plan for you that fits your budget, needs, and style - and watch your returns skyrocket.

  • No contracts or payment requirements necessary to book a call.

  • We're here to dig in to what your business truly needs - not just sell you on unnecessary services.

See why Real Estate Agents are making the switch

Frequently Asked Questions

What would be required for your services?

Booking a call with our team is absolutely free - no strings attached. From there, we will be able to identify your needs and select a tailor-made plan with you. For every plan we do require our clients to pay for their business ad spend - which can be as low as $10-day - to advertise through Facebook, Instagram, and other requested platforms.

How are you different from other brand & digital marketing agencies?

Spark Media is focused on quality over quantity - while many other agencies focus on bringing on as many clients as possible in order to increase profits, we only keep a select, calculated number of clients and embrace a "slow growth" philosophy, ensuring you get the best results and attention first.

How Long Does It Take To Get Fully Onboarded with Spark Digital Media?

The full onboarding process will take 2 weeks at most, depending on what plan and services you opt into. We value your time and business, so we keep track of every process and keep constant communication with our clients as we build together.

What's the catch?

There's no catch at all! Our team comes from a service background of working with not-for-profit companies and non-profit organizations - we know that giving you our best is the most beneficial strategy there is for a long, fulfilling relationship.

Ready To Elevate Your Business?

We know how to bring results, especially in the current real estate climate. Take advantage today!

Have more questions?

Connect with us!

Please email us anytime at support@sparkdigitalmedia.io

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